Marc Faber: “I’m ultra bearish about the world. I think we’re all doomed because the governments are taking over and they will all bankrupt us and expropriate us, but it may not happen tomorrow. So they’ll give us something to play with until the whole system breaks down, and that is a bull market. They’ll just print money and print more money.”
Faber believes that, due to stimulus money, markets can go much higher before another collapse happens. He thinks the intention behind the Goldman Sachs indictment is not to hurt the firm, but to provide a popularity gain for President Obama, whose ratings have plunged since taking office.
“Because I’m so bearish, what you shouldn’t own is cash,” says Faber. “Cash is going to be a disaster.”
Agricultural commodities were left in the dust as base metal prices boomed last year but now represent the better investment, commodities bull Jim Rogers told Reuters on Thursday.
Jim Rogers: “I’d rather buy agriculture which didn’t move up, and I don’t want to buy base metals because they did go up. I’m not selling base metals — I’m just watching,” he told Reuters in an telephone interview.
Prices for base metals soared in 2009 as global economies started to revive, with copper on the London Metal Exchange surging nearly 140 percent.
In contrast, many agricultural commodities struggled with CBOT wheat down more than 10 percent following a bumper global harvest and corn climbing less than two percent during 2009.
Rogers also pointed to the potential for agricultural commodities to outperform in the event of a major volcanic eruption in Iceland.