1. Deflation versus Inflation – “I think I understand why people talk about inflation because there’s so much money creation. But I think a very good barometer to look at will be the housing market. Here in the US it’s still heading down. There’s not any significant decrease in the inventory. In fact there’s now predictions by this time next year, one out of three mortgage holders in the United States will be upside down, which simply means they’ll actually owe more than the house is worth. So they are not gonna be movers anytime soon. So as long as the housing industry is not seeing any increases or even flattening out its very difficult to expect large degree of inflation at least to my estimate.
2. Alternative Energy is a growth industry and so there’ll be opportunity there. The very fact that there’s more people and we’re living longer there’s opportunities in the medical industry. I just think for now, particularly for the next foreseeable future for 12 months to possibly 24, there’s not gonna be a lot of opportunity widespread in general equity markets.
3. Gold – We’re in the mother of all global markets. The very fact that almost no one can grasp that and believe that even the most ardent bulls are real concerned every time we have these one step back corrections in this mega bull market. Just refortifies me that that’s where we are at. There’s three dynamics to this gold bull market. The first is the big sellers are no longer there. I’m talking about what we knew openly and that was during the 90s and the early part of this decade central banks were aggressive net sellers. Second the mining companies have now made hedging a four letter word. We don’t have that continuous supply being placed forward in front of us by mining companies. And third and perhaps the most important of that part is gold has returned to it’s, where it’s rightful place for the last couple of thousand years an alternative to paper money. I think gold will continue to be more and more an alternative to paper money in this debt ridden world society that we’re in.
On Major Moves, Peter Grandich has been very right and not only saved many investors fortunes, but expanded them dramatically. On November 3, 2007 at the MoneyTalks Survival Conference, Peter Grandich of the Grandich Letter warned that “an unprecedented economic tsunami will hit American beginning in 2008”. Peter advised publicly to short the US market two days from the top in October, 2007 and stayed short until the last week of October, 2008. He began to buy stocks in March 7th, 2009. He also bought oil and oil related investments near the lows after the dive from $147.
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