Uranium and Specialty Metals: A Few of My Favorite Things, Part II
03/11/10 Gaithersburg, Maryland – Uranium – One of the best investments you can make right now is to pick up relatively secure, low-cost uranium – the feedstock for nuclear reactors.
The demand for uranium is building in intensity like a heap of hot coals. There are already 436 reactors up and running today. And there is a surge in demand coming in the next decade from the hundred or so new reactors expected to come online. Yet the industry is about 400 million pounds short of meeting that demand, as shown in the chart below.
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Water Stocks: A Few of My Favorite Things, Part I
….read HERE
Chris Mayer studied finance at the University of Maryland, graduating magna cum laude. He went on to earn his MBA while embarking on a decade-long career in corporate banking. Chris is the editor of Capital and Crisis and Mayer’s Special Situations , a monthly report that unearths unique and unconventional opportunities in smaller-cap stocks. In 2008, Chris authored Invest Like a Dealmaker: Secrets From a Former Banking Insider .
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