Now heres entrepreneurship – Dealer offers AK-47 with each new truck purchase

Posted by USA Today

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A Missouri truck dealer hopes to reverse a nationwide slide in sales with a catchy offer: An AK-47 with every new truck purchase.

The website for Max Motors of Butler, Mo., features a drawing of the Soviet-made assault rifle and an animated cartoon character wielding two handguns against the backdrop of a waving American flag.

Mark Muller, owner of Max Motors, is upgrading an earlier sales gimmick in which he offered new truck buyers to choose between a $250 gas voucher or a gun voucher. The website says the dealer is giving away guns again “due to popular demand.”

“Muller calls the initial deal an overwhelming success,” Business Insider reports. “He also says it generates a lot of publicity and really angers ‘liberals.'”

Muller tells CNN he is won’t be handing out the free weapons personally but will give buyers a voucher to use at a gun store.