Niall Ferguson: Krugman’s advice? – Imminent Debt Crisis

Posted by Niall Ferguson via ZeroHedge

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The historian discusses the bond vigilantes, “Bond vigilantes are a bit like the people short selling investment banks a couple of years ago. You start with Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, you don’t get to Goldman Sachs until quite late in the game. In a way the sovereign debtors of the western world are pretty much in that position today. And we are working down the list, starting with Greece, moving on to Spain and Portugal, the UK dodged the bullet by implementing some preemptive measures. Sooner or later the bond vigilantes will get to the US, I don’t think it will be this year, but in the absence of any political will to address this problem, this is simply an inevitability.” As to why it is inevitable…..

….read more Niall Ferguson: If The Obama Administration Listens To Paul Krugman It Would Lead To An Imminent Debt Crisis