Ed Note: Below is a small excerpt from Mark Leibovit’s 10 page The VR Gold Letter . The VR Letter is published WEEKLY and Mark Leibvit has been the Awarded #1 Gold Timer by Timers Digest in 2007, 2008 and is in postition to win 2009 with his fine Gold forecasts throughout the year so far including Gold zooming to another new High of $1,131 in tonights overnight trading. Money Talks highly recommends subscribing to Mark’s Gold Letter.
The disbelief in Gold is known by a phrase that was made famous by one of Wall Street’s icons, Joseph Granville in the 1970s and 1980s. It is called the ‘Wall of Worry’. Bad news, disbelief, and indifference to an advancing market reconfirms the legitimacy of that advance. The more the better and, boy, are we seeing it today! The financial press only devotes minimal coverage to the advance in Gold and the average person in the street I talked you still looks at me in disbelief or even disdain thinking I am some form of fanatic. Mark my words. When folks are standing in line waiting to buy Gold at $5000 or more an ounce (obviously fractional pieces of Gold at that time) the way they were standing in line to buy condominiums in Scottsdale Phoenix a few years ago – then and only then we will mark a top in this market. In my opinion, the $1000 level is now the floor just as was 1000 in the Dow Industrials when we barreled through it back in 1982. As I’ve said, the party has only begun.
Gold up $23.30 from Friday to NEW HIGH of $1140 (Dec. Futures) in electronic trading (30 minute chart)
The Annual Forecast Model still shows further life to this market for the balance of 2009, so since it has been working so well to date, I am going to give it the benefit of the doubt. I hope to have the 2010 Annual Forecast Model completed in mid January, so stay tuned. Short-term, the Gold market could be quite explosive here. It could very well accelerate to the upside!
Gold Monday Daily close up $15.40 to new high from Friday Nov. 13
I have been told the feedback from “The MoneyTalks Allstar Trading Super Summit” in Vancouver on October 24 was excellent and my presentation very popular.
A the video of the conference is now available for purchase. A special promotion code has been created for VRtrader.com clients. Using this code you can get a 50% discount on the $117 price. The StockScores promotion code is – S2009ML
Folks just go to www.moneytalks.net , Click on the Banner box titled “The MoneyTalks Allstar Trading Super Summit Video“. This will take them to the shopping cart where the process is pretty straightforward.
The weekly VR Gold Letter focuses on Gold and Gold shares. The letter is available to Platinum subscribers for only an additional $50 per month and to Silver subscribers for only $70 per month. Email me at mark.vrtrader@gmail.com.
Marks VRTrader Silver Newletter covers Stock, TSE Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Base Metals, Uranium, Oil and the US Dollar.
More kudos – Mark Leibovit was named the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 10 year period ending in 2007; the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 3 year period ending in 2007; the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 8 year period ending in 2007; and the #8 Intermediate Market Timer for the 5 year period ending in 2007. NO OTHER ANALYST SURVEYED APPEARED IN ALL FOUR CATEGORIES FOR INTERMEDIATE MARKET TIMING AS PUBLISHED IN TIMER DIGEST JANUARY 28, 2008!
For a trial Subscription of The VR Silver Newsletter covering Stocks, Bonds, Gold, US Dollar, Oil CLICK HERE
The VR Gold Letter is available to Platinum subscribers for only an additional $20 per month, while for Silver subscribers the price is only an additional $70.00 per month. Prices are going up very shortl, so act now! Separately, the VR Gold Letter retails for $1500 a year! The VR Gold Letter is published WEEKLY. It is 10 to 16 pages jam-packed with commentary and charts. Please call or email us right away. Tel: 928-282-1275. Email: mark.vrtrader@gmail.com .