European Bailouts – Rocketing Markets….and

Posted by Bill Bonner of The Daily Reckoning & Axel Merk of Merk Funds

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Ed Note: Two views on the Euro Bailout & the Market Response:

Markets Rally. Details to Follow…

by Bill Bonner of The Daily Reckoning

Stocks up 339 points on the Dow! Gold at $1,747! Oil over $90!

What set off yesterday’s big blitz to the upside? Two things…

….read more HERE

Euro Bailouts – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

by Axel Merk of  Merk Funds

The markets appear euphoric about the ability for European policy makers to deliver on new promises. Low market expectations were met. We, too, have a positive takeaway, but only because of one detail of the grand plan; actually, let’s call it a “grand sketch,” as many details are still unknown.

….read the Good, The Bad & the Ugly HERE