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Posted by Michael Campbell

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22 May 2013 – Market Warning

Just a brief note to let you know that the US markets registered several key reversals today, which raises the probability of a correction.   As usual this is not a guarantee of what’s coming next but these signals have proven to be reliable a significant percentage of the time.  Several excellent technical analysts will confirm this in the next day or two…..

15 May 2013 – Market Rise – Fact or Fiction

I’m not sure what I can add to what Mohamed El-Erian, CEO of PIMCO, the world’s largest bond fund said recently, “This is the choice all investors must make: Do you leave some capital on the table as markets rise or suffer large capital losses later. The choice is critical.”…..

02 May 2013 – The Dis-connect Continues

This is the latest tweet from Bill Gross, the biggest bond fund manager in the world. “World awash in money. Fed buys 85 billion per month. Bank Of Japan 75 billion. European Central Bank hints at negative interest rates. Don’t buy – sell risk assets.”….

23 Apr 2013 – The Great Dis-connect

During the credit crisis in 2008 I wrote that financial considerations were driving the markets not economics.  Obviously they are closely related but the economic problems of the last five years have been a by-product of credit related financial factors…..

16 Apr 2013 – What’s Next for Gold?

Is this the buying opportunity of the next decade or the end of the 12 year bull market in gold? There will be no shortage of analysts lining up on both sides of the debate – So what’s next and what should you do….

12 Apr 2013 – Gold Has Broken Down to a New Range

The market has sent a clear message on gold with the series of trading range breakdowns. It has provided yet another very powerful reminder that your job as an investor is to take action based on what the market IS doing – not what you think it should be doing…..

08 Apr 2013 – Gold Update

Traders will buy the dip but will be ready to exit positions on any move below the recent low of $1538 and be long gone if it breaks $1520. As you’d expect long term gold bulls are still convinced that the central bank’s debasement of paper currencies and the diminishing confidence in government will fuel the bull market. I agree but I think they are early….

03 Apr 2013 Gold Disappoints

I could have written that headline on a regular basis since the first week in October when I exited gold. It’s had every excuse to rally but hasn’t. The key question is whether the recent weakness is a buying opportunity or a warning….

17 Mar 2013 – Cyprus Bailout Just One More Warning

Arugably the key quesiton in the markets today is – what event could surpirse the markets and change the “risk on” mentality that is pushing the stock markets higher on the back of central bank’s creation of money….

Michael Market Commentary is a weekly blog posting and email alert service that costs only $9.79 a month.