Canada: Five ways to profit from the world’s safest economy

Posted by Martin Hutchinson - Money Morning

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Investing in Canada: The World’s Safest Economy

[Editor’s Note: In recent years, global investing expert Martin Hutchinson has made investors a lot of money by telling them what markets to buy. His latest recommendation – Canada – represents the holy grail of investing: It’s got loads of profit potential, yet is one of the least-risky economies on the planet.]

I’ve said it once, and I’ll doubtless say it a few dozen more times before the U.S. economy returns to health: Just because you have to endure recessionary conditions doesn’t mean that your money has to.

That’s the argument I make when I urge Americans to search for investments outside U.S. borders. Ironically, your money doesn’t have to travel all that far: What’s arguably the world’s “safest economy” is actually located just north of the border.

I’m talking, of course, about investing in Canada.

The United States vs. Canada

With the U.S. economy dragging along huge budget deficits and stuck in low gear, it’s time to escape these problems by moving money away from this market.

….read it all HERE including “Profit Plays North of the Border”