Ed Note: Rogers is also maintaining Short Positions in Stock Markets around the World
Fence sitters of the silver market are forewarned: buy more silver. That advice, according to Jim Rogers of Rogers Holdings, is the heads-you-win-tails-you-win investment proposition in the years ahead.
Rogers has little doubt of more central bank intervention planned in the wake of a global economic slowdown, but if he’s off the mark, silver (and commodities, generally) investors will win anyway, as Asia’s production-export model gears to supply what the world needs—including lots of existing and new products containing silver.
“I’m long commodities and currencies, because if the world gets better, the shortages in commodities will make sure I make money,” the 69-year-old Rogers told CNBC. “If the world economy doesn’t get better, I’d rather own commodities because they’re [central banks] going to print money.”