An exclusive Michael Campbell interview with James Dines!

Posted by Michael Campbell - World Outlook Conference

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James Dines added to 2011 Agenda

James Dines’ 2011 Forecast in an exclusive Michael Campbell interview. For World Outlook Conference attendees, audio CD’s,  or online video only.

One of the world’s foremost financial forecasters, James Dines has recently completed the work on his 2011 Forecasts.  Mr. Dines retired from public speaking a few years ago to take time to travel the world, however, he has agreed to make himself available for an exclusive interview with Michael Campbell and share his thoughts on the market with the audience at the 2011 World Outlook Financial Conference. This interview will be made available exclusively to attendees of the event.

James Dines has become legendary for having made correct forecasts that were in complete contradiction to the rest of the financial community.
In an industry where it takes courage and conviction to go against the crowd, Mr. Dines defiantly warned investors of the “invisible crash” that would bring down stocks in 1966, the unexpected gold boom of 1974, the rising power of the Chinese economy in 1977, the internet revolution of 1996 and for those in attendance at the 1999 World Outlook Conference he stood on stage in front of you to call the market top in 2000.

Since then he has made investors literally millions by being the first to identify bull market runs in uranium from its $8/lb lows, the remarkable surge in rare earth metals, and perhaps most importantly the need to get out of real estate pre-2007.
The bottom line is that we take your time and money seriously. With that in mind we have put together our best conference ever in the hope of making you a significant amount of money and just as importantly saving you money.
I promise it will be worth the time for anyone concerned about their personal finances and investment returns.

Michael Campbell,
Host of Money Talks


2011 Speakers

James Dines
David Bensimon
Peter Schiff
Dennis Gartman
Jack Crooks
Ryan Irvine
Don Vialoux
Josef Schachter
Mark Leibovit
Dunnery Best
Ozzie Jurock
Tyler Bollhorn

CLICK HERE for speaker bios


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