Alert: From Mark Leibovit

Posted by Mark Leibovit - VR Traader

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Mark’s Timers Digest Buy signal of Friday November 4th has been reversed and is now a Timers Digest “Sell” signal!

With broad-based Leibovit Negative Volume Reversals forming today, I have no choice but to switch to a SELL signal. – Mark Leibovit of VRTrader




The Friday November 4th Message: Mark moves to a “Buy” Signal Friday November 4th

After moving from TIMERS DIGEST “SELL” Signal to a TIMERS DIGEST NEUTRAL signal on Oct. 7th at S&P 1155.00, Mark Leibovit has moved to a TIMER DIGEST ‘BUY’ signal on November 4th expecting that will at rise higher than the Oct. 27th high of S&P 1292.66 and also test the May 2nd high of S&P 1370.68 between now and the end of the first quarter 2012.

In Mark’s detailed daily VRTrader Letter, Mark mentions that the cutting of Europe’s interest rates to 1.25% underscores the Government determination to support markets,  as well there are positive seasonality factors between now and May 2012.  

The above is just a portion of Mark’sVRTrader. Much more analysis contained every day in Mark’s VRTrader. Just send an email to or call 928-282-1275 if you wish to sign up for his trial subscription and follow his analysis throughout this move. 

Mark’s bullishness and comments on seasonality match those Money Talks regular Don Vialoux in this video:

Daily Chart S&P 500 Futures Contract for December
