Is Canadian Farmland the Best Investment of All?
(I alluded here earlier to a class of investable assets with the potential to grow in value more spectacularly, even, than gold or silver. In the guest commentary below, my friend Tom McCafferty, a commodity trader and author of numerous books, makes the case for Canadian farmland as the best place to sock away money for your grandchildren. Obviously, this would require more capital than you might sink into precious metals or stocks. But, as Tom puts it, if you’ve got “a couple of million” to spare, this is arguably a very good place to bury it. RA)
If you’re worried about the economy your children, grandchildren and even your great grandchildren will inherit, there is an investment that has the potential to help all three generations. It should even be rewarding in your life-time as well.
I’m talking about Canadian farmland. Not the beautiful mountains along the coasts, but the real, dirt farming, i.e. wheat, corn, oats, sunflowers, soybeans, sorghum, barley, etc., in the center of the country. But first things first: Why Canada?
- Global Warming—no matter whether it is caused by carbon dioxide or natural time cycles, the growing seasons in the higher climates is getting longer. The yield of prime exporting crops, such as corn and soybeans, are getting better as faster than the climate is rising.
- Water—Canada has plenty, unlike India and China. And it is clean water. Ever wonder why China put so much effort into controlling Tibet? The five major rivers that supply water to China originate in little old Tibet. When you read that China is importing more and more soybeans, they are actually importing water. And water, unlike oil, cannot be economically moved—imported or exported—from one country to another. It can only be used where it is. In the years to come, he who has water rules.
……read more HERE