Rare Earths -Supply Worries and Booming R&D

Posted by John Kaiser - The Energy Report

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John Kaiser: Balancing Security of Supply Worries with Optimism on the R&D Front

Interviewed by Karen Roche, Publisher, The Energy Report

Americans have been bemoaning U.S. dependence on foreign oil for decades and a domestic alternative still seems a distant dream. Meanwhile, the world has changed. On one hand, that dependency now stretches across a broadening spectrum of raw materials, from molybdenum and tungsten to zinc, nickel and chromium to the decade’s darling on the periodic table—the rare earths. And on the other, huge emerging economies, primarily that of China, are driving up demand for the raw materials needed to develop infrastructure and making it clear that their own domestic needs take priority. That adds up to what mining analyst John Kaiser describes as “the big theme that underlies the base metals and all the specialty metals markets”—the concept of security of supply—and it’s a global issue. In this exclusive Energy Report interview, John identifies a few investment opportunities that are emerging to forestall lack of access to some key ingredients of economic growth. He also registers a clearly optimistic note in anticipating “a period of scientific breakthroughs that’s going to pump up the world in a very big way.”

…..read the interview HERE