Donald Coxe pitches the most outrageous, politically incorrect investment idea of all: How to profit from global cooling
Last Monday, a dozen or so environmentalists went to Chicago’s financial district, wandered into one of its busiest intersections, laid down, and locked arms. Their purpose in forcing a couple of hours of gridlock, and causing cars to spew extra carbon emissions, was to complain about U.S. policy on carbon emissions.
It is the kind of scene that bemuses Donald Coxe. Not so long ago, he was one of Bay Street’s best-known investment strategists, famous for his strong convictions, his right-of-Reagan political leanings and his Conrad-Black-esque vocabulary (how many financial pros can use “Rhadamanthine” in a sentence?). Oh, and for making people money, too.
Today, he operates in a somewhat dimmer spotlight, thinking and writing about the world from a perch in the very building outside of which those protesters caused that traffic jam. But he still has an audience – most notably at Bank of Montreal, his former employer, which still pays for and distributes his research – and still knows how to capture attention.
So as the world’s policy makers converge on Copenhagen to talk about the warming planet, Mr. Coxe continues to pitch the most outrageous, politically incorrect investment idea of all:
How to profit from global cooling.
……read more HERE.