Is there gold in Fort Knox? According to Ed Moy, the former 38th Director of the U.S. Mint, yes! Here is a link to his article:
Meanwhile, bearish sentiment is high and it appears the consensus thinking is that the other shoe is about to drop and we’re going to nosedive back to or though 1180. That’s bullish!
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About Mark Leibovit
Mark Leibovit is Chief Market Strategist and Publisher for the Leibovit VR Gold Letter and the author of ‘The Trader’s Book of Volume’ which was published in 2011 by McGraw-Hill. You may have recognized Mark as one of the ten “Elves” on Louis Rukeyser’s Wall Street Week television program where he served as a weekly consultant for 7 years and also as a regular Market Monitor guest for the past 30 years on PBS’ The Nightly Business Report. He is a popular speaker at investment conferences both in the U.S. and Canada and is often seen on PBS, BNN and FOX Business News. TIMER DIGEST Magazine has named him the #1 Gold Timer for the twelve-month period from 8/26/10 to 8/26/11 and the #2 for 2011 He was also named the #1 Intermediate Market Timer for the 10-year period ending in 2007. Mr. Leibovit was a member of the Chicago Board Options Exchange where he became a market maker in several stocks including Newmont Mining. Through the late 1980s he was Technical Research Director for Rodman & Renshaw and subsequently began publishing several financial newsletters. He holds a CIMA and AIF designation and is a member of the Market Technicians Association (MTA) and the CFA Institute.